down the hatch, part one
okay, kinda messy, but in (kinda)sequence:
Gets out of bunk bed
Types in 4 space 8 space 15 space 16 space 23 space 42 execute
theres a green tennis ball on table (is it vincents? there's probably no tennis courts around, but is there another dog to play with?)
is it Claires blue sweatshirt on back of couch? Looks too small for a guy...
Single ping pong paddle on chair
on the record sleeve there's a white sticker in the corner with E|V or EN? could be N3 or V|3 maybe if it's a mirror image?
at the dining table, there's a backgammon or go board with a game in progress (possibly the source of the black and white rocks jack found on 'adam and eve' in the first season?), a magazine or newspaper open on the table, and on the other side the seat has an open book (and a couple of comics?)
Washer and dryer are new models, looks like the blender is too
Is that a flat screen on the brick wall?
Lots of dirty dishes
the speedometer on exerbike goes from 15 to 16, and just below the frame is 4, with 42 on the opposite side
Medicine cabinet has the "dharma" logo on it
the label on the bottle he injects reads CR 4-81516-23 42
the explosion happens almost instantaneously with injection completion
(what movie did this? Mulholland drive? donnie darko? the reality of the movie changed just as a certain event occurred...)
then the first shot(after the needle scratching)is a mirror image of how we saw the room before
the other ping pong paddle is on a ping pong table we didnt see before with a ball
---that + backgammon game + bunk beds + dirty dishes = at least 2 people living there
safe combination shot starts on 23 to 42 to 48ish…
in the gun closet, there are four spaces for pistols and two are already missing
he looked blonde earlier, now, in the first clear shot of his hair since the injection/explosion/mirrored shot, the hair is distinctly brown
grabs an AK 47 after cocking a small black pistol similar to the one jack has at the end
then back in the main room he turns off the alarm/monitor/power thingy next to a reel to reel machine, both of which have dharma logos. its not a mirror image, and he’s clearly blonde again
in the corridor to the left of record player, (and the right of bike/washer&dryer) the mural is on the left side and the concrete repairs on the right
he runs past the dinner table, which is now spotless, the game, the books and some drinking glasses are gone (is it a different table? different hatch?)
when he's hitting the mirror switches, there's a shot sweeping from a mirror mounted on the wall down past a a dharma logo on the left, then the next shot is the exact same shot, just reversed. Another mirror image... (are we somewhere else again?)
the shot in the final mirror has locke, jack, and the torch reflected in it, then it pulls up to them
Gets out of bunk bed
Types in 4 space 8 space 15 space 16 space 23 space 42 execute
theres a green tennis ball on table (is it vincents? there's probably no tennis courts around, but is there another dog to play with?)
is it Claires blue sweatshirt on back of couch? Looks too small for a guy...
Single ping pong paddle on chair
on the record sleeve there's a white sticker in the corner with E|V or EN? could be N3 or V|3 maybe if it's a mirror image?
at the dining table, there's a backgammon or go board with a game in progress (possibly the source of the black and white rocks jack found on 'adam and eve' in the first season?), a magazine or newspaper open on the table, and on the other side the seat has an open book (and a couple of comics?)
Washer and dryer are new models, looks like the blender is too
Is that a flat screen on the brick wall?
Lots of dirty dishes
the speedometer on exerbike goes from 15 to 16, and just below the frame is 4, with 42 on the opposite side
Medicine cabinet has the "dharma" logo on it
the label on the bottle he injects reads CR 4-81516-23 42
the explosion happens almost instantaneously with injection completion
(what movie did this? Mulholland drive? donnie darko? the reality of the movie changed just as a certain event occurred...)
then the first shot(after the needle scratching)is a mirror image of how we saw the room before
the other ping pong paddle is on a ping pong table we didnt see before with a ball
---that + backgammon game + bunk beds + dirty dishes = at least 2 people living there
safe combination shot starts on 23 to 42 to 48ish…
in the gun closet, there are four spaces for pistols and two are already missing
he looked blonde earlier, now, in the first clear shot of his hair since the injection/explosion/mirrored shot, the hair is distinctly brown
grabs an AK 47 after cocking a small black pistol similar to the one jack has at the end
then back in the main room he turns off the alarm/monitor/power thingy next to a reel to reel machine, both of which have dharma logos. its not a mirror image, and he’s clearly blonde again
in the corridor to the left of record player, (and the right of bike/washer&dryer) the mural is on the left side and the concrete repairs on the right
he runs past the dinner table, which is now spotless, the game, the books and some drinking glasses are gone (is it a different table? different hatch?)
when he's hitting the mirror switches, there's a shot sweeping from a mirror mounted on the wall down past a a dharma logo on the left, then the next shot is the exact same shot, just reversed. Another mirror image... (are we somewhere else again?)
the shot in the final mirror has locke, jack, and the torch reflected in it, then it pulls up to them