the lunatic is in my head...
“Isn’t this nice?”
Libby’s trying to hook Hurley on the natural highs of exercise. He’s getting frustrated; he just wants to drop a few pounds. She tells him it won’t happen overnight, that he could just have a slow metabolism… he interrupts before she gets to big-boned, “It’s not my metabolism…I’m sick.”
He tells her he’s got a secret, and she assures him he can trust her… so he takes her to Hurley’s Secret Stash – the dude’s got a shitload of food in there! – He tells Libby the story of finding and distributing the food from the hatch, “…but I guess I kinda kept some of it for myself.”
He wishes he could just get rid of it, and Libby tells him he can. If he wants to change, then change. Food Fight!!

This must’ve been fun… wonder how many takes? – but don’t you think Libby woulda been jonesing pretty hard for one of those Apollo bars or something? – Hurley feels free! Nice hug… go in for the kiss, dude… some Korean shouting harshes the mellow big time, as Jin and Sun come rushing through.
“They’ve found something!”
Libby and Hurley follow them to the Dharma drop site. Hurley can’t believe this shit. Everyone is there, tearing into the bundles of food. Charlie grabs some risotto, and mentions that he heard blast doors trapped Locke in the hatch last night… maybe so they wouldn’t see who dropped it? He asks if anyone saw a plane, and Sawyer tells "Tattoo" yeah, but that he had forgotten to mention it.
Food Fight!!!!

- for real this time. Sawyer tries to restore order, and his integrity is called into question by the “babysnatcher”, who wants Hurley to take charge of the food again. Hugo goes all rain man… “No. No way! Not me, no. Not again, no.”
Libby distracts everyone from the crazed look in Hurley’s eyes by suggesting they all just take what they need. “Great plan, Moonbeam. After that we can sing Kumbaya and do trust falls,” snarks Sawyer.
Hurley notices a bald guy in a bathrobe watching him from across the pile of food. He walks off into the jungle and Hurley follows, with Libby watching. Crashing through the jungle in pursuit, Hugo takes a spill facedown into the dirt. He looks up to see a slipper from the (cinderella?) man in the bathrobe. He reaches out and grabs it, to find that it’s real and tangible.
“Uh oh”
Libby finds Hurley on the beach. He hides the slipper he’s playing with, as she sits and asks what he was running after. He doesn’t want to talk about it. “Pretty weird, huh? That the island won’t let you lose weight? Destroy your stash and then BANG - food falls from the sky.”
“How about that?”
Libby’s proud of him for not freaking out.
Flashback – Picture of a tropical island, smaller than the island we know and mountainless, hanging on a wall of a doctors office. Senator Kelly is Hurley’s shrink; we’re in the mental hospital. Hugo tells the doc that he’s not mad at his mom anymore for putting him in there; he knows she put him in there for a reason. “What reason is that?”
“The accident.”
It’s been two months and Hugo still hasn’t opened up about it. The doc doesn’t push it, and asks for the homework he assigned, a list of things Hugo likes about himself. He didn’t do it because Dave didn’t do it, and Dave is the sanest guy in the place. Senator Kelly isn’t Dave’s doctor, but he knows that Dave doesn’t want Hugo to change.
Down in the gym, there’s a mental game of basketball being played, where no one is passing the ball to Dave, making him very upset. He doesn’t like to be neglected. Hurley shows up behind him, and gets the ball right away. Gee, ya think maybe no one else can see Dave? Looks like Kareem sitting in the lotus position on the parquet floor. Dave talks Hugo into forsaking his diet for some tacos, telling him not to let the doctor into his head. After all, three’s a crowd, right?
Under the hatch, Locke’s twitching his toes for Jack. As best as Jack can tell without an x-ray, Locke’s got a small hairline fracture in his right leg, meaning he’s got to stay off it for a couple of weeks. Kate shows off her superior bedside manner again, and when Locke bristles at the idea of using a wheelchair (HIS wheelchair), she offers to go find him some crutches – guess they were in the wreckage too. When she leaves, Locke asks Jack why he thinks Henry came back to help him when he had a chance at an easy escape? Jack thinks he came back because he thought his story would check out, and wasn't counting on Sayid digging up the grave. Makes me wonder if that story had been successful before? In the cell, Henry’s now tied up to the wall. He’s explaining to Sayid and Ana Lucia that he was part of a search party that found Henry Gale four months ago, hanging from his basket with a broken neck. He buried him and placed the grave marker, that’s all. Sayid tells the fake Henry that he should have checked the wallet first, because the real Henry wrote a letter to his wife on the only paper he had, a twenty dollar bill.
“Jennifer – Well, you were right, crossing the pacific isn’t easy. I owe you a beer. I’m hiking to one of the beaches to start a signal fire, but if you’re reading this, I guess I didn’t make it. I’m sorry. I love you, Jenny. Always have, always will.
Yours, Henry.”
Fake Henry is sweating now… he swears he wasn’t the one that killed Gale. Sayid wants to know how he knew Henry’s wife’s name, if they interrogated him to get information. He wants to know how many of them there are. “If I told you about them you have no idea what he’ll do.”
Ana assumes the ‘him’ is fake Beardo, or Mr. Friendly. Henry laughs. “Him? He’s no one, nothing!”
Sayid sticks the gun in Fake Henry’s face and gives him three seconds to tell him how many others there are. One second left, and Henry cries, “You can’t do this; I am not a bad person!” - sounds like Goodwin - Sayid pulls the trigger, but Ana is quicker and his shot goes wild as she puts some LAPD moves on him. Jack comes running at the sound, and Locke starts yelling, demanding to know what happened. He hates being immobile again. Jack removes Sayid from the cell, and tells Locke he’s got it covered, not to worry. Ana locks the door on fake Henry, who looks a lot relieved and a little surprised to still be alive.
Charlie shows up at Eko’s construction site dragging the pallet from the Dharma drop, and wants to know what he’s building. Is it a starbucks? Eko won’t tell him what it’s going to be, not right now. He recruits Charlie to help out though, so now are two people in need of redemption building a church? Hurley, back at the drop site looking for clues, finds a box of D.I. fish crackers and tears into them. The boy eats goldfish the same way I do! Dave appears, and Hurley tells him he’s not there through a mouthful of fish, so Dave picks up a coconut and chucks it at Hurley, nailing him in the gut. He picks up another and takes off running into the jungle, with Hurley in pursuit. The chase music here sounds kinda like planet of the apes – nice. He crashes through to the beach, where Charlie and Eko are stacking some Lincoln logs, and asks if they saw a guy in a bathrobe with a coconut run by. Charlie can’t resist, “Noooo, saw a polar bear on roller blades with a mango.”
Flashback – “Pretty sneaky, Leonard.”
Crazy numbers Leonard and Hugo are playing a game of connect four – 8 15 16 23 42 while Dave heckles from the sidelines. He makes Hurley steal one of Lenny’s graham crackers, which are much more appetizing than the celery sticks he’s been munching on. “What’s he gonna do, call you a ‘twenty-three’?”
Nurse Lazenby gives Hugo his meds, which Dave says not to take so that they can escape ASAP. Hugo’s on clonazepam. Senator Kelly- Dr. Brooks comes over to snap a Polaroid of Hugo and Dave for the bulletin board. Or to show Hurley later that he’s alone, whichever… You notice Hurley never uses Spanish? This is kinda weird, to not throw in a word here or there when his mom and his grandpa are probably more comfortable speaking it than English. Dave, however, throws Spanish words around like they’re going out of style. It’s the Santa Rosa mental health hospital. Saint Rose? She is one, at least as far as we know. Hugo palms his pills, to Dave’s delight.
“Deep dish” approaches Sawyer, who’s having a tough time eating an Oreo. He fills him in on the proper technique, and tells Sawyer he needs something from him. Sawyer says he’s done trading now that he’s got enough food to open up a mini-mart. “Hey, you think Sayid needs a job?”
Hurley doesn’t want to trade, he wants a favor in return for helping out with the tree frog. He needs some clonazepam – but didn’t Jack win back all the medicine?
He explains that he needs it so he’ll stop seeing this guy in a bathrobe. Sawyer points past Hurley’s shoulder, “What, that guy there?”
Hurley looks…“Gotcha!”
He snaps, tackles Sawyer and starts punching him, landing a blow for every degrading nickname: “Jabba” wham! “Stay-puft” pow!
“Lardo” crack! “Kong” whap!
After watching and giggling for a moment, Jin pulls him off of Sawyer. Sawyer calls Hurley crazy and storms off.
“I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy.”
Freckles has found a pair of crutches for Locke, but can’t resist razzing Sawyer before she returns to the Swan station. She says it looks like he got his ass kicked, and Sawyer tells her he doesn’t know why Hurley hulked out on him, but that she should keep away from the crazy man. Said crazy man is packing his bag for a move to the caves where he can become a crazy naked hermit that throws doodie at everyone. Libby can’t stop him and no one can help him. Trudging through the jungle to the caves, his backpack rips and spills peanut butter everywhere. He scoops some off the jungle floor with a leaf, and is starting to chow down when Dave shows up again.
Flashback – Hugo’s done his homework. He likes his grandpa and chicken. Doc Brooks steers the conversation to the accident – Hugo thinks his weight caused a deck to collapse – Brooks explains that there were twenty-three people on a deck meant to hold eight, it wasn’t his fault. But Hugo’s convinced it was. After the accident he became semi-catatonic and stopped going out or even sleeping, while continuing to eat, perhaps as a way of punishing himself. He tells Doc Brooks that Dave told him he’s a quack, prompting Brooksie to bust out the Polaroid. “Dave isn’t your friend Hugo, because he doesn’t exist.”
Hurley looks at the picture, and sure enough, he’s got his arm around nothing at all.
That night, sleeping next to pictures of his Mom and Grandpa on the night table, Hugo is woken up by Dave, who slaps him when Hugo suggests that he’s just a hallucination. “Maybe I just imagined you slapped me?” – like he imagined the slipper and the coconut? – He agrees to leave with Dave anyway, who’s like a caricature of that devil on your shoulder by this point, the guy telling you to just try it once; it’s not going to hurt anyone. “Yo, check it out. Marcus didn’t finish his lasagna. That is a waste, man. One for the road?” (yo, ding dong. ding dong, man.)
They sneak downstairs, where Hugo opens up a window with the keys he stole from Brooks’ desk earlier. Dave jumps out, but Hugo’s become resistant to his cheeseburger wishes and chili fry dreams… “You’re not real. You’re trying to get me to run away and get cheeseburgers because I want to get cheeseburgers.” – does this mean that later he wants to jump off a cliff? -
Dave warns that if he doesn’t leave now, he’ll never get out of that place. Hugo shuts the window and locks it.

“Bye, Dave.”
But now Dave’s back on the island, and he wants his slipper. He’s sorry Hurley’s freaking out, but warns that it’s going to get a little worse before it gets better. - I was totally expecting someone to come up behind Hurley and clock him here – “You ready, dude?” None of this is real; he’s still in Santa Rosa, which he never even left. “You, me, this island, that peanut butter; none of it is real, man, none of it is happening. It’s all in your head, my friend.”
Hugo’s brain popped a gasket when he closed the window on Dave and he went back to catatonia, where’s he’s remained to this day. “In your own private Idaho inside Santa Rosa”
Hurley doesn’t believe this, and tells Dave what happened after he left the hospital, about winning the lottery. “Whoa, wow. Awesome dude! What numbers did ya play?”
“You seen them around anywhere else?”
“The hatch with the button that you gotta push every 108 minutes or the world ends… and what’s the code for this button?”
It’s all in his head, how else to explain the mega cute blonde chick that magically appeared from the other side of the island. “Who just happens to have the hots for you?”
That finally convinces Hurley, and he gets up to follow Dave through the jungle. Interesting red flowers against the green jungle, it almost looks hallucinatory, like 'what dreams may come'. After telling Hugo that everyone on the island is just a part of him, Hurley wants to know what part Dave is. He says he’s the part that wants Hurley to wake up, as he leads him to the edge of a cliff. The big finale, the answer to all your problems...

– vanilla sky? Or, as Dave would probably say, abre los ojos? – all this will be gone if he jumps. (no shit.) He’ll just wake up. “And when you do wake up, come find me. I’m sure I miss ya. See you in another life, Hurley.” –shades of Desmond -
Dave takes a trust fall dive off the cliff to the ocean far below, laughing the whole way down.
Under the hatch, Locke crutches his way over to Ana, who’s guarding the armory door. She informs him that Jack’s on the beach telling everyone about Henry, “…that we’ve got one of them.” Locke wants some time with Henry, but Ana doesn’t think that’s part of the program for today. “All due respect Ana Lucia, but I don’t care what you think…I earned five minutes with him.”
She relents and locks him in with the fake Gale. The first thing Locke asks is his real name, but Henry just wants to be called Henry, he’s gotten used to it. Locke wants to know if he got caught on purpose, “You and your people have been here for God knows how long, and you get caught in a net?”
“God doesn’t know…God doesn’t know how long we’ve been here, John. He can’t see this island any better than the rest of the world can.” (whoa)
John’s convinced the others were searching for the hatch, and that Henry was caught on purpose.
“This place is a joke, John.”
He tells him the timer went all the way to zero, and then some funny red pictures flipped up in its place. “They looked like hieroglyphics, but I’m no expert… there was a loud clunking and a hum like a magnet, a big magnet…and do you know what happened? Nothing happened at all. Your timer just flipped back to 108.”
Henry tells him he never entered the numbers or pushed the button, but Locke doesn’t believe him. Given Locke’s judgment lately, this probably means Henry is now telling the truth.
Libby finds Hurley at the dizzy edge of the cliff, alone above a raging sea. He asks how she found him, and when she starts to say something about Jin seeing him up there, he cuts her off. “Ha! Jin doesn’t speak English!”
She patiently explains that Sun translated. Hurley tells her she’s the part of him that’s scared…she doesn’t want him to wake up. In real life no girl like her would ever want him.
“Remember when I said I knew you from somewhere?”
- Libby looks scared –
“Well maybe it’s cause I made you up.”
Relief washes over her face, and she asks Hurley the name of the man with the broken leg she buried on the other side of the island. He doesn’t know…because it happened to her. “Don’t tell me you made me up, it’s insulting!”
– it’s insulting to the writers that we would think the mystery is all just in someone’s head? Good to know, it’d be insulting to the viewers if that’s all it was too –
“I am real, you are real, the way I feel about you? That’s real.”
Big smooch! Awwww
“And that was real.”
– what was the tear rolling down her cheek all about then? –
“Maybe you should do it one more time, just to be sure.”
They step away from the cliff, and a look of disgust crosses Libby’s face while she peps Hurley up with some positive talk.
Flashback –

It’s the connect four Polaroid scene again, but from a different perspective. There’s no Dave in sight as the camera pans over to a familiar face under an unfamiliar mop of dark hair.
“Here’s your pill, Libby.”

Libby’s trying to hook Hurley on the natural highs of exercise. He’s getting frustrated; he just wants to drop a few pounds. She tells him it won’t happen overnight, that he could just have a slow metabolism… he interrupts before she gets to big-boned, “It’s not my metabolism…I’m sick.”
He tells her he’s got a secret, and she assures him he can trust her… so he takes her to Hurley’s Secret Stash – the dude’s got a shitload of food in there! – He tells Libby the story of finding and distributing the food from the hatch, “…but I guess I kinda kept some of it for myself.”
He wishes he could just get rid of it, and Libby tells him he can. If he wants to change, then change. Food Fight!!

This must’ve been fun… wonder how many takes? – but don’t you think Libby woulda been jonesing pretty hard for one of those Apollo bars or something? – Hurley feels free! Nice hug… go in for the kiss, dude… some Korean shouting harshes the mellow big time, as Jin and Sun come rushing through.
“They’ve found something!”
Libby and Hurley follow them to the Dharma drop site. Hurley can’t believe this shit. Everyone is there, tearing into the bundles of food. Charlie grabs some risotto, and mentions that he heard blast doors trapped Locke in the hatch last night… maybe so they wouldn’t see who dropped it? He asks if anyone saw a plane, and Sawyer tells "Tattoo" yeah, but that he had forgotten to mention it.
Food Fight!!!!

- for real this time. Sawyer tries to restore order, and his integrity is called into question by the “babysnatcher”, who wants Hurley to take charge of the food again. Hugo goes all rain man… “No. No way! Not me, no. Not again, no.”
Libby distracts everyone from the crazed look in Hurley’s eyes by suggesting they all just take what they need. “Great plan, Moonbeam. After that we can sing Kumbaya and do trust falls,” snarks Sawyer.
Hurley notices a bald guy in a bathrobe watching him from across the pile of food. He walks off into the jungle and Hurley follows, with Libby watching. Crashing through the jungle in pursuit, Hugo takes a spill facedown into the dirt. He looks up to see a slipper from the (cinderella?) man in the bathrobe. He reaches out and grabs it, to find that it’s real and tangible.
“Uh oh”

Libby finds Hurley on the beach. He hides the slipper he’s playing with, as she sits and asks what he was running after. He doesn’t want to talk about it. “Pretty weird, huh? That the island won’t let you lose weight? Destroy your stash and then BANG - food falls from the sky.”
“How about that?”
Libby’s proud of him for not freaking out.
Flashback – Picture of a tropical island, smaller than the island we know and mountainless, hanging on a wall of a doctors office. Senator Kelly is Hurley’s shrink; we’re in the mental hospital. Hugo tells the doc that he’s not mad at his mom anymore for putting him in there; he knows she put him in there for a reason. “What reason is that?”
“The accident.”
It’s been two months and Hugo still hasn’t opened up about it. The doc doesn’t push it, and asks for the homework he assigned, a list of things Hugo likes about himself. He didn’t do it because Dave didn’t do it, and Dave is the sanest guy in the place. Senator Kelly isn’t Dave’s doctor, but he knows that Dave doesn’t want Hugo to change.
Down in the gym, there’s a mental game of basketball being played, where no one is passing the ball to Dave, making him very upset. He doesn’t like to be neglected. Hurley shows up behind him, and gets the ball right away. Gee, ya think maybe no one else can see Dave? Looks like Kareem sitting in the lotus position on the parquet floor. Dave talks Hugo into forsaking his diet for some tacos, telling him not to let the doctor into his head. After all, three’s a crowd, right?
Under the hatch, Locke’s twitching his toes for Jack. As best as Jack can tell without an x-ray, Locke’s got a small hairline fracture in his right leg, meaning he’s got to stay off it for a couple of weeks. Kate shows off her superior bedside manner again, and when Locke bristles at the idea of using a wheelchair (HIS wheelchair), she offers to go find him some crutches – guess they were in the wreckage too. When she leaves, Locke asks Jack why he thinks Henry came back to help him when he had a chance at an easy escape? Jack thinks he came back because he thought his story would check out, and wasn't counting on Sayid digging up the grave. Makes me wonder if that story had been successful before? In the cell, Henry’s now tied up to the wall. He’s explaining to Sayid and Ana Lucia that he was part of a search party that found Henry Gale four months ago, hanging from his basket with a broken neck. He buried him and placed the grave marker, that’s all. Sayid tells the fake Henry that he should have checked the wallet first, because the real Henry wrote a letter to his wife on the only paper he had, a twenty dollar bill.
“Jennifer – Well, you were right, crossing the pacific isn’t easy. I owe you a beer. I’m hiking to one of the beaches to start a signal fire, but if you’re reading this, I guess I didn’t make it. I’m sorry. I love you, Jenny. Always have, always will.
Yours, Henry.”
Fake Henry is sweating now… he swears he wasn’t the one that killed Gale. Sayid wants to know how he knew Henry’s wife’s name, if they interrogated him to get information. He wants to know how many of them there are. “If I told you about them you have no idea what he’ll do.”
Ana assumes the ‘him’ is fake Beardo, or Mr. Friendly. Henry laughs. “Him? He’s no one, nothing!”
Sayid sticks the gun in Fake Henry’s face and gives him three seconds to tell him how many others there are. One second left, and Henry cries, “You can’t do this; I am not a bad person!” - sounds like Goodwin - Sayid pulls the trigger, but Ana is quicker and his shot goes wild as she puts some LAPD moves on him. Jack comes running at the sound, and Locke starts yelling, demanding to know what happened. He hates being immobile again. Jack removes Sayid from the cell, and tells Locke he’s got it covered, not to worry. Ana locks the door on fake Henry, who looks a lot relieved and a little surprised to still be alive.
Charlie shows up at Eko’s construction site dragging the pallet from the Dharma drop, and wants to know what he’s building. Is it a starbucks? Eko won’t tell him what it’s going to be, not right now. He recruits Charlie to help out though, so now are two people in need of redemption building a church? Hurley, back at the drop site looking for clues, finds a box of D.I. fish crackers and tears into them. The boy eats goldfish the same way I do! Dave appears, and Hurley tells him he’s not there through a mouthful of fish, so Dave picks up a coconut and chucks it at Hurley, nailing him in the gut. He picks up another and takes off running into the jungle, with Hurley in pursuit. The chase music here sounds kinda like planet of the apes – nice. He crashes through to the beach, where Charlie and Eko are stacking some Lincoln logs, and asks if they saw a guy in a bathrobe with a coconut run by. Charlie can’t resist, “Noooo, saw a polar bear on roller blades with a mango.”
Flashback – “Pretty sneaky, Leonard.”

Crazy numbers Leonard and Hugo are playing a game of connect four – 8 15 16 23 42 while Dave heckles from the sidelines. He makes Hurley steal one of Lenny’s graham crackers, which are much more appetizing than the celery sticks he’s been munching on. “What’s he gonna do, call you a ‘twenty-three’?”
Nurse Lazenby gives Hugo his meds, which Dave says not to take so that they can escape ASAP. Hugo’s on clonazepam. Senator Kelly- Dr. Brooks comes over to snap a Polaroid of Hugo and Dave for the bulletin board. Or to show Hurley later that he’s alone, whichever… You notice Hurley never uses Spanish? This is kinda weird, to not throw in a word here or there when his mom and his grandpa are probably more comfortable speaking it than English. Dave, however, throws Spanish words around like they’re going out of style. It’s the Santa Rosa mental health hospital. Saint Rose? She is one, at least as far as we know. Hugo palms his pills, to Dave’s delight.
“Deep dish” approaches Sawyer, who’s having a tough time eating an Oreo. He fills him in on the proper technique, and tells Sawyer he needs something from him. Sawyer says he’s done trading now that he’s got enough food to open up a mini-mart. “Hey, you think Sayid needs a job?”
Hurley doesn’t want to trade, he wants a favor in return for helping out with the tree frog. He needs some clonazepam – but didn’t Jack win back all the medicine?
He explains that he needs it so he’ll stop seeing this guy in a bathrobe. Sawyer points past Hurley’s shoulder, “What, that guy there?”
Hurley looks…“Gotcha!”
He snaps, tackles Sawyer and starts punching him, landing a blow for every degrading nickname: “Jabba” wham! “Stay-puft” pow!
“Lardo” crack! “Kong” whap!
After watching and giggling for a moment, Jin pulls him off of Sawyer. Sawyer calls Hurley crazy and storms off.
“I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy.”
Freckles has found a pair of crutches for Locke, but can’t resist razzing Sawyer before she returns to the Swan station. She says it looks like he got his ass kicked, and Sawyer tells her he doesn’t know why Hurley hulked out on him, but that she should keep away from the crazy man. Said crazy man is packing his bag for a move to the caves where he can become a crazy naked hermit that throws doodie at everyone. Libby can’t stop him and no one can help him. Trudging through the jungle to the caves, his backpack rips and spills peanut butter everywhere. He scoops some off the jungle floor with a leaf, and is starting to chow down when Dave shows up again.
Flashback – Hugo’s done his homework. He likes his grandpa and chicken. Doc Brooks steers the conversation to the accident – Hugo thinks his weight caused a deck to collapse – Brooks explains that there were twenty-three people on a deck meant to hold eight, it wasn’t his fault. But Hugo’s convinced it was. After the accident he became semi-catatonic and stopped going out or even sleeping, while continuing to eat, perhaps as a way of punishing himself. He tells Doc Brooks that Dave told him he’s a quack, prompting Brooksie to bust out the Polaroid. “Dave isn’t your friend Hugo, because he doesn’t exist.”
Hurley looks at the picture, and sure enough, he’s got his arm around nothing at all.
That night, sleeping next to pictures of his Mom and Grandpa on the night table, Hugo is woken up by Dave, who slaps him when Hugo suggests that he’s just a hallucination. “Maybe I just imagined you slapped me?” – like he imagined the slipper and the coconut? – He agrees to leave with Dave anyway, who’s like a caricature of that devil on your shoulder by this point, the guy telling you to just try it once; it’s not going to hurt anyone. “Yo, check it out. Marcus didn’t finish his lasagna. That is a waste, man. One for the road?” (yo, ding dong. ding dong, man.)
They sneak downstairs, where Hugo opens up a window with the keys he stole from Brooks’ desk earlier. Dave jumps out, but Hugo’s become resistant to his cheeseburger wishes and chili fry dreams… “You’re not real. You’re trying to get me to run away and get cheeseburgers because I want to get cheeseburgers.” – does this mean that later he wants to jump off a cliff? -
Dave warns that if he doesn’t leave now, he’ll never get out of that place. Hugo shuts the window and locks it.

“Bye, Dave.”
But now Dave’s back on the island, and he wants his slipper. He’s sorry Hurley’s freaking out, but warns that it’s going to get a little worse before it gets better. - I was totally expecting someone to come up behind Hurley and clock him here – “You ready, dude?” None of this is real; he’s still in Santa Rosa, which he never even left. “You, me, this island, that peanut butter; none of it is real, man, none of it is happening. It’s all in your head, my friend.”
Hugo’s brain popped a gasket when he closed the window on Dave and he went back to catatonia, where’s he’s remained to this day. “In your own private Idaho inside Santa Rosa”
Hurley doesn’t believe this, and tells Dave what happened after he left the hospital, about winning the lottery. “Whoa, wow. Awesome dude! What numbers did ya play?”
“You seen them around anywhere else?”
“The hatch with the button that you gotta push every 108 minutes or the world ends… and what’s the code for this button?”
It’s all in his head, how else to explain the mega cute blonde chick that magically appeared from the other side of the island. “Who just happens to have the hots for you?”
That finally convinces Hurley, and he gets up to follow Dave through the jungle. Interesting red flowers against the green jungle, it almost looks hallucinatory, like 'what dreams may come'. After telling Hugo that everyone on the island is just a part of him, Hurley wants to know what part Dave is. He says he’s the part that wants Hurley to wake up, as he leads him to the edge of a cliff. The big finale, the answer to all your problems...

– vanilla sky? Or, as Dave would probably say, abre los ojos? – all this will be gone if he jumps. (no shit.) He’ll just wake up. “And when you do wake up, come find me. I’m sure I miss ya. See you in another life, Hurley.” –shades of Desmond -
Dave takes a trust fall dive off the cliff to the ocean far below, laughing the whole way down.
Under the hatch, Locke crutches his way over to Ana, who’s guarding the armory door. She informs him that Jack’s on the beach telling everyone about Henry, “…that we’ve got one of them.” Locke wants some time with Henry, but Ana doesn’t think that’s part of the program for today. “All due respect Ana Lucia, but I don’t care what you think…I earned five minutes with him.”
She relents and locks him in with the fake Gale. The first thing Locke asks is his real name, but Henry just wants to be called Henry, he’s gotten used to it. Locke wants to know if he got caught on purpose, “You and your people have been here for God knows how long, and you get caught in a net?”
“God doesn’t know…God doesn’t know how long we’ve been here, John. He can’t see this island any better than the rest of the world can.” (whoa)
John’s convinced the others were searching for the hatch, and that Henry was caught on purpose.
“This place is a joke, John.”
He tells him the timer went all the way to zero, and then some funny red pictures flipped up in its place. “They looked like hieroglyphics, but I’m no expert… there was a loud clunking and a hum like a magnet, a big magnet…and do you know what happened? Nothing happened at all. Your timer just flipped back to 108.”
Henry tells him he never entered the numbers or pushed the button, but Locke doesn’t believe him. Given Locke’s judgment lately, this probably means Henry is now telling the truth.
Libby finds Hurley at the dizzy edge of the cliff, alone above a raging sea. He asks how she found him, and when she starts to say something about Jin seeing him up there, he cuts her off. “Ha! Jin doesn’t speak English!”
She patiently explains that Sun translated. Hurley tells her she’s the part of him that’s scared…she doesn’t want him to wake up. In real life no girl like her would ever want him.
“Remember when I said I knew you from somewhere?”
- Libby looks scared –
“Well maybe it’s cause I made you up.”
Relief washes over her face, and she asks Hurley the name of the man with the broken leg she buried on the other side of the island. He doesn’t know…because it happened to her. “Don’t tell me you made me up, it’s insulting!”
– it’s insulting to the writers that we would think the mystery is all just in someone’s head? Good to know, it’d be insulting to the viewers if that’s all it was too –
“I am real, you are real, the way I feel about you? That’s real.”
Big smooch! Awwww
“And that was real.”
– what was the tear rolling down her cheek all about then? –
“Maybe you should do it one more time, just to be sure.”
They step away from the cliff, and a look of disgust crosses Libby’s face while she peps Hurley up with some positive talk.
Flashback –

It’s the connect four Polaroid scene again, but from a different perspective. There’s no Dave in sight as the camera pans over to a familiar face under an unfamiliar mop of dark hair.
“Here’s your pill, Libby.”