
Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm leaning on a lamp post...

I’m gonna start this post in a way I’ve never started a LOST post;
Things I didn’t like:

Jack’s grandfather scene – forced, seemed pointless.
Jack’s bizarre, out-of-place surprise at Sayid and Hurley being on the plane.
Replaying the entire opening scene at the end. Unnecessary.

Those parts made it seem a little like an episode of Heroes. Not a good thing when you're talking about LOST.

Okay, minor gripes aside – another amazing episode.

I dug the parallels while recreating Flight 815; A federal agent escorting a handcuffed prisoner, dead body in a coffin, dude wracked with guilt carrying a letter, guy with a guitar case. Loved the return of Lapidus, “We’re not going to Guam, are we?”
Ben. “How can you read?” “My mother taught me.” The guy just has to lie, even if he’s making a joke.
Biggest question on the flight would be how/why Hurley, Kate and Sayid ended up there (obviously not some random event like the poorly-written Jack was supposing).
Hurley was released from jail like the lawyer said, I’d guess, but who/what convinced him to get on the plane?
Sayid was probably set up by Ben, but why is he being extraordinarily renditioned to Guam?
I’m not sure how much time Ben had – did he go to all three again and explain what Hawking told Jack, Sun and Des? Did Hawking? There had to have been guilt involved in some way, Jack will die if you don’t help, Aaron’s real mother is alive on the island (I don’t think so, but it’s what could have convinced Kate maybe), etc. – and it looks like they were definitely told about the ‘re-creation’ aspect – why else would Hurley bring a guitar? Which then makes me wonder if Kate jumped Jack’s bones for a reason… baby in the belly like Claire?
The Hispanic dude in line and in first class has got to end up involved somehow, the federal marshal too?
Flight 316 – John 3:16? The ubiquitous sporting-event only begotten son sacrifice bit right? John Locke…

The Lamp Post – awesome! The way Hawking was talking about the island made it sound like the Atlantis myth... Who was really behind Dharma, and why didn’t Widmore just join up/finance them? Also, if Widmore was an Other, why couldn’t he get back to the island? Seemed like they, at least, could come and go at will - because Hawking always let them know when/where to return to? Or is that just necessary when the island is skipping? The Freighter people got there, sent by Widmore, not Hawking, so how did they know where to go? How did the food drops work? If Widmore has been trying unsuccessfully to get back to the island since he left, does that mean he turned the frozen donkey wheel himself back in the day? Did Hawking help him turn it? Ok, my nose is starting to bleed.

Did Ben kill Penny? Desmond? Little Chuck? If the island isn’t done with Des how is he getting back? Where did Ben, Sayid, Sun, Lapidus and the others end up? Did Lapidus flash down? If so… who’s flying the plane?? (Also, great bit with Hurley buying up all the available tickets, assuming there was gonna be another crash. If the six were so famous, and you’re passing thru first class into coach and see all six of them on the plane, what would you do? I’d be on a later flight for sure!)

It looks like they’re back in the 70’s. Have Jin and the other losties been working for Dharma for the past 3 years? If so, whatever they’ve learned sure woulda come in handy 4 years ago...
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