
Friday, October 07, 2005

Thank you, namaste, and good luck

okay, after about 5 (maybe 15?)minutes of previously on lost stuff:

there’s five tail sectioners on the beach… 2 guys, one a big black dude and the other an older scrawny grey haired guy.
3 women, a blonde, an asian woman, and ana lucia.
They can’t be related to the boat people, the real “others”,these guys are too primitive, the others had guns. Definitely the tail guys gone lord of the flies. Maybe forced to defend themselves from the others? They crashed on the shit side of the island.

Back down under the hatch, we see some of the same stuff again, but its still very cool that the bullet just misses kate up there. I bet one of the writers threw out the idea of it actually killing her… and was fired on the spot.

Flashing back to lockes group therapy session:
Its been two years since his mom showed up and told him he was “special” (didn’t Michaels wife say the same about him in the last episode?? Are they connected somehow? Just reaching here…)
Anyway, Locke wants his kidney back, damnit! Somehow this outburst, along with his early onset of male pattern baldness, really turns peg bundy on. Shes not taking no for an answer in the parking lot. Almost to the point where it seems forced. Is it?

Back to kate in the vent, we get one more gratuitous boob shot before she jumps down into the gun closet and pumps up a shotgun.
She sneaks out and cracks des off the head with it, causing him to fire a shot into the computer. D’oh!
The timer is counting down.
97:00 (shouldn’t it go to 97:59?)
des says “we’re all gonna die”, then he kinda recognizes jack… “do I know you?”
Jack is close to having something snap inside his head… this party of five guy is acting his damn ass off here! (through the whole episode... fox and terry are note perfect)

flashback to wimpyyoungkindahairier locke parked outside his dads new house, with a new security guard. Guess it makes sense if its been a couple years.
Dad gets in the car, shocking locke who hasn’t seen him for two years. Ah ha, dad moved away on purpose?
But locke still followed. The gruff dad tells him straight out (a warning, even) “you’re not wanted.”

Down in the computerdome kate’s decided to go get sayid to fix the thing. “There’s gotta be a front door to this place, right?”
des tells her it's “down the corridor to the left…the wheel sticks” - an awesome throwaway line about something everyone has been obsessing over the past few weeks.
While des is looking for computer parts, he moves past a james patterson book… (uh oh, maybe he’s a serial killer! Juuust kidding. as long as ashley judd doesn't show up on the island, i'm good.)
kate opens the front door onto a ladder going back up. They never show where in the jungle she comes out. Must be hidden pretty well, wherever it is.
Now it’s time for Des’ story: 3 years ago he’s on a solo (or solar? Does that even make any sense?) race around the world. His boat crashed on the reef, and Kelvin (or calvin? I think it’s Kelvin, and locke even asks him, probably to clear this up) came running out to get him. Des says he stayed with him and started pressing the button.
Anyway, des tells jack and locke to watch the film, they don’t have to take his word for it.
Its behind the turn of the screw. There are a few other books we can see, briefly:
Rainbow six - Tom Clancy
Dirty work – stuart woods (this came out in 2003, but I think that’s what it is)
ECG workout: exercises in arrhythmia interpretation
{from amazon: This workbook contains more than 500 actual ECG strips (half are new to this edition) -- students can test their skills at ECG interpretation, and discover the areas in which they need improvement. Introductory chapters on anatomy and physiology, electrophysiology, waveforms, intervals, segments and complexes, monitoring equipment, lead placement, and steps in analyzing a rhythm strip form a strong foundation for learning. Practice strips come complete with an answer key, so that students gain confidence in arrhythmia interpretation. A two-part post test allows students to self-test their arrhythmia interpretation skills. An electrocardiogram conversion table is provided on the inside back cover for more precise rate calculation.”
how is it that i don't already have that book in my collection?!! gotta get right on that...
and High hand – Gary Phillips (2001)
I’m sure none of those but the ecg one meant anything, but what the hell. all thrillers, good for passing the time. no SK books i could see though...
The Film can has the dharma logo and ”orientation” labeled on it

On the beach, vincents back and fetching (no, not good looking, he's fetching a ball you pervert), and hurley lost some weight.

Back in the pit, saywer is being the hero, but doesn’t he have a bum shoulder? They should push someone else up there. He almost gets stabbed and ana lucia gets thown in with them

Under the hatch:
Jack – “ the last time I saw a computer that was gonna save the world, it didn’t look like that” is jack cracking a joke? He must be going nuts…
He doesn’t believe anything that is going on down there could be for real, he thinks its all a behavioral experiment or something. It’s impossible that that button could really do anything.
Then Locke points out that des recognized him, and the real impossibility here is that jack could have met this guy before, and then they both end up stranded on the same deserted island. That’s gotta make jack think.
And finally, onto a lot of answers and more questions, presented 5th grade filmstrip style, along with cheesy music.

“The dharma initiative
3 of 6

it fades into the dharma logo with “station 3 – the swan” are there 6 stations? Is the shark from another station? Explains the slight difference in the logo maybe?)
narrated by Dr marvin candle *** who appears to have a prosthetic left arm - the farmer that turned kate in, ray mullen, was missing his right arm ***
Dharma initiative created in 1970
Gerald and Karen deGrut? De Groot?(im not sure if i have any of the fake names right)
...are they the bearded guy and the blonde Molotov cocktail throwing woman on the boat? sure looks like it could be them 35 years ago.
inspired by the works of B.F. Skinner
“a large scale communal research compound"
meterology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology(with a shot of two polar bears), electromagnetism (shows Gerald with some round thing between two magnets, the narration doesn’t change, but the shot switches to people sitting in a circle holding hands:is this related to the electromagnetism experiments?)
the film starts getting choppy (on purpose/ did someone splice it together to make it say what they wanted it to say, change the numbers around to do something different? They’re edited out of the tape, why wouldnt they be on it?)
“and utopian social crus..” cuts into “Danish industrialist and munitions magnate, Alvar Hanso (he looks like either the cigarette smoking man or the well manicured man from the x-files)
His dough made the dream of a multipurpose social science research facility a reality!
The team is to be stationed down there for 540 days (108X5)
Place was designed as a lab to research the “unique electromagnetic fluctuation emanating from this sector of the island”
But not long after there was an incident
4 minutes to enter it once the alarm sounds
it skips/splices around a lot here… he explains how to work in shifts to stay fresh, then abruptly changes to a stern angry tone and says: “do not attempt to use the computer…-cut- for anything – cut – congratulations, until your replacements arrive the future of the project is in your hands
“thank you namaste and good luck”
copyright hanso foundation 1980

“we’re gonna need to watch that again” is the best line of the season so far.

jack asks des where his food comes from… no answer
des blows a fuse and freaks out, starts packing and heading out. The third policeman is open on his bed…

the guy in the picture there, is it desmond or Kelvin? Either way, a guy with a blonde woman, and it really looks like it could be any one of the blonde women that have already been on lost, except Shannon. Is that Sydney in the background? Had desmond been to Sydney? He could have interacted with more of the people on the island there, maybe he’ll show up in someone else’s flashback.

Helen tells young locke he needs to take a leap of faith, similar in tone to dsemond talking to young jack. Parallels in the two (jack/lockes) flashbacks… black/white?

Hurley lets out a couple keanuesque ‘duuudes’ and ‘whoa’s, and finds the pantry. He’s gonna put back on all that weight he lost… I would.

Even though I thought I saw ana lucia with the other survivors at the start of the show, its still kinda shocking when she grabs the gun and gets pulled up.

Jack catches up to desmond running thru the jungle, desmond thinks he wants the numbers. Jack is losing all his marbles at this point… des remembers him now, “that was you?” he doesn’t seem too surprised that he’s run into this guy (jacks surprised enough for both of them), and he almost immediately asks about the woman. As jack tells him he married her but he’s not married anymore, desmond seems very interested.
He turns and runs, telling him again, “see you in another life, yeah?”

Sayid doesn’t need to know why the computer needs to be fixed. A man of science with faith. Gets it started just in time for the 4 minute countdown to begin.
Locke thinks he needs to enter 32, and hurley breathes a sigh of relief, til jacks comes huffing in and corrects him. “it’s 42”

Lockes think jack needs to push the button, to help him get over his anger that’s been building up, the way Helen helped locke back in the day… taking the leap of faith.
“I can’t do it alone, I don’t want to”, he’s talking to jack exactly the way Helen talked to him.
“it’s a leap of faith, jack”

jack pushes the button, and locke volunteers for the first shift.
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