oceanic passenger manifest
is this for real? it looks like it.
oceanic passenger manifest
i'd say everyone that's highlighted on there was so that the flight crew could keep an eye on them:
kate's a prisoner
sayid left his bag "unattended"
claire's pregnant
lockes crippled
charlie looked strung out
and jack got in a fight about the coffin.*
james ford is on there (sawyer)
anna lucia is her full name? that's odd
and why doesn't sun (or is there another sun on the plane?)share the same last name as jin? is that a korean thing i don't understand?
*i still don't think his dad was in it, and they just shipped the empty coffin for him so he could leave immediately. now he's dealing with a lot of guilt (and seeing his dead dad walking around) from leaving his dads body buried somewhere in australia.
oceanic passenger manifest
i'd say everyone that's highlighted on there was so that the flight crew could keep an eye on them:
kate's a prisoner
sayid left his bag "unattended"
claire's pregnant
lockes crippled
charlie looked strung out
and jack got in a fight about the coffin.*
james ford is on there (sawyer)
anna lucia is her full name? that's odd
and why doesn't sun (or is there another sun on the plane?)share the same last name as jin? is that a korean thing i don't understand?
*i still don't think his dad was in it, and they just shipped the empty coffin for him so he could leave immediately. now he's dealing with a lot of guilt (and seeing his dead dad walking around) from leaving his dads body buried somewhere in australia.