
Thursday, May 04, 2006

technical difficulties

STILL no DSL as of monday the 8th. at&sbct sucks.

i just moved, and won't have an internet connection at home until tomorrow.
which is probably a good thing, considering how much shit happened last night!!

i'd guess that this has been a setup since henry was in the trap, maybe even since 'walt' IMed mike... they got michael because they knew they could control him by threatening walt. teepees and tents my ass. shoots ana and libby to cover his ass, then shoots himself and lets henry go. now he's gonna lead everyone right to the trap the others have laid for them. what do they want? the guns? do they want everyone that isn't a 'good person' dead? what did they promise michael? that he'd get walt back, or that they wouldn't hurt walt?
and is jack aarons uncle?
i can't believe that wasn't even the season finale....

check back in a couple days for the regular recap.
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