flash forward
who is J______ ____ntham?
is it Jeremy Bentham
"...Bentham was a violent critic of the revolutionary discourse of natural rights, and of the violence which arose after the Jacobins took power (1792)"
although it looks more like 'antham' on the clipping.
someone from new york living in a downtown LA loft? michael was an artist... the casket seemed tiny though; child, amputation, short guy like ben?
someone kate doesn't like. ben, maybe locke.
The Tower on grand avenue... a 40-50 story iconic tower, maybe?
someone heard loud noises - went to investigate, found the person hanging from a beam? i'm reading bewteen the lines here, i think that's roughly what it says.
maybe "locke was here" or "ben was here" is scratched into the beam? just like brooksy, once he was a 'free man' he found there was nothing to live for. everything he wanted/needed was back on the island/prison.
or not. my first thought was that it was rose, black neighborhood, small casket, she woulda died from her cancer - then of course it says 'man' found, and why would kate hate rose? so yeah, it's not her.
why is kate a free woman? what is jack sick of lying about? the only way i can imagine kate free is if she's under an assumed ID, and if they were rescued thru normal channels, i'm sure she would have been put into custody immediately. but then why is jack himself and not using an alias?
my first thought is that only those at the radio tower were rescued, including ben. i have NO CLUE who naomi was working for, but it's interesting that Ben's manipulative lie seems to have come true this time.
i'll post more during the day.
that was just incredible.